8gcbc Maintenance Manual

We are pleased to host Leo Horishny's Bellanca website - a look at Bellancas back...
when they were

Carl White
(our Aeronca Editor) flying Yellowbird with friend Dru Fisher's Tarbaby (long story.) Picture taken from Doug Russell's Stearman, photo by Debbie. [How come the Stearman doesn't have a name? - ed.]

Jan Zatloukal's Cruisemaster was the last 14-19-2 built, shown over the Bodger flower flag in Lompoc, CA.
Cmdr. Victor Mottarella, USN, Ret. (co-owner at the time with Bruce Fall) flew N9849B for the photo shoot.

8gcbc Parts Manual

'Say Type Aircraft'.. A reference to the type designators that will identify your aircraft and its performance to the controller.

Drew Peterson's Award-Winning Cruisemaster
(we flew it at the Fly-In!)

'Cuatro Vientos*' is a 1965 Citabria
belonging to Jorge & Elvira Suarez

* This is a reference to an ill-fated 1938 non-stop flight from Spain to Cuba.

<- 260C (Cruisemaster) and the first Viking

Verl Scheibe's beautifully restored Scout
...with his new Vortex Generators installed.

AviaBellanca Skyrocket III ->

We received this from the F.A.I., the international organization that verifies and awards official aviation world records:You may be interested to know that we have a number of Bellanca aircraft world records in our lists of world-class performances... A Skyrocket II still holds the 'speed over a closed circuit course of 100 / 500 / 1000 km' records in the concerned weight sub-class.

With Best regards,
Thierry Montigneaux
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

<- Aeronca Champ 7AC - low and slow..

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